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What’s an Off-Label Prescription?

When your doctor writes you a prescription, there’s a chance that the medication they’ve prescribed you ...

What Are Beta-Blockers Used For?

Beta-blockers [] are a type of medication known for temporarily blocking the ...

How Quickly Does Propranolol Work?

Let’s say you’re preparing for a speech. As you’re running over your notes backstage, you ...

Are Beta-Blockers Safe?

Beta-blockers are a trusted treatment option by doctors and are a frequently prescribed medication; in fact, in 2015 ...

How Are Beta-Blockers Different Than Other Anxiety Medications?

For many, medication can be a helpful tool in relieving anxiety. [ ...

Who Uses Beta-Blockers?

Performance anxiety can feel crippling. Many of us can remember a time—whether before a big performance, a ...

What Do Beta-Blockers Do?

We’ve all felt that rush before a big event. Your heart starts pounding and your breath becomes ...

Who Shouldn’t Use Beta-Blockers?

Though beta-blockers are widely considered to be a safe medication commonly prescribed by doctors, they aren’t right ...

What Are the Side Effects of Propranolol?

Propranolol [], a type of beta-blocker, is generally considered to be a safe ...

How Should Beta-Blockers Be Used for Performance Anxiety?

Propranolol is a type of beta-blocker medication [] that works by ...

How Kick Works

Kick Health [] helps smart, capable professionals overcome the fears that hold them back from ...

Propranolol: The Insider's Edge For Facing Fear

Your heart is racing, palms sweating, your cheeks reddening. Over and over again, you silently repeat to yourself: ...

Frank Famous, Musician: "I Use Setbacks as an Opportunity to Learn and Move on"

There I was, on stage, in front of none other than DJ Khaled. I had been looking forward ...

Can't Sleep? Try Putting The Three “Kids” To Bed Mindfully

It’s a vicious cycle, and one that probably sounds all too familiar: You’re stressed and need ...

Heidi, Counselor: "I Will Try Anything New At Least Once"

It was never public speaking itself that bothered me. Once I was in front of an audience, I ...

Reaching Your Full Potential: The Most Effective Options For Relieving Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling of uneasiness or apprehension. It can be a pounding heart during a presentation, feelings ...

Chasta, Wellness & Life Coach: "I Practice Kickboxing as Medication through Motion"

I threw a quick jab aimed at my instructor’s torso, immediately following up with a knee strike. ...

Nina, Standup Comedian: "I Take Back Power through Laughter"

I have ghosts from my past, memories of people saying incredibly insensitive things about my stutter. It goes ...

Adam, Musician: "I Make the Space on Stage My Own"

Growing up, I always wanted to be a musician. But the idea of people hearing me play triggered ...